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Rebeca Truman AcupuncturistWho knew making a large batch of bread could change my life?

I felt a weird pop in my back. I wasn’t sure what had happened, but like many people, I just brushed it off, continuing with my work. I mean come on I was in my twenties; I could handle it.

Next thing I knew I was laying on the floor unable to move. Naturally, I was terrified so went to my doctor for answers and I had severely strain in my back. What?! Strained my back? I was in my 20s, how in the world could that have happened? I mean I work out and go for walks/hikes with my dog every day. I should be at the height of health. Something like this just doesn’t happen.

My doctor than did what all doctors do and wrote me a prescription for Vicodin, and I had an immediate flashback to an article I had stumbled across discussing how dependent our society had become on medications. I have always been passionate about healthcare and worked as an STNA for a few years, but I never really thought about the medicine cart until I read this article.

There were times the nurse would hand patients medicine cups that were filled to the brim with medications for who knows what. I know a few of the pill were probably for a specific ailment, but how many of them were just there to counteract the effects of the others?

Was this going to be the start for me going down that road? Taking a pill to help my back pain, then another to counteract the effects of it? Or constant changing of medications until we found the right one? How much affect will these chemicals have on me? The one thing I did know was this medicine would only mask my issues, but not solve the problem.

I knew there had to be a better way. So, I turned to chiropractic for help and found not only did I strain my back that day, but my spine had become misaligned as well. It did great on alleviating the pain and got me back on track, but it still wasn’t enough to completely stop my pain.

I dug some more and completely devoted myself to understand alternative healthcare options. It was then that I first heard of acupuncture and found it fascinating, but I wasn’t too sure about trying it. I mean I was terrified of needles at the time and how would allowing someone to place them all over me be any help? By this time, I was at my whit’s end and decided to give it a shoot.

I cannot express how utterly amazed I was with how much of a difference acupuncture made in relieving my pain.

After just one session, I was standing straighter and able to walk farther without any pain or discomfort. I just had to know more and made it my mission to learn and explore this area further. All in the hopes of providing that same amazing relief to others.

Acupuncture has changed my life in many ways, and I wake up every day knowing I have the tools to help change yours too.

Book or call now to see these benefits for yourself!

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